Sunday, August 31, 2008

"Ohhh boy"

It's been a rough few weeks since I last posted.

I lost my Nany (grandmother) last week and it's been a very difficult time.

Running can be therapeutic, yes, but you still have to be into it.  And the last few weeks my heart and mind haven't been in it.

I got back from Michigan on Wednesday night, and had a nice short run on Thursday evening.  But Friday I was in an awful mood, and just couldn't will my body to move.  I spent one mile choking back tears, and decided to call it a night and walk home.

Saturday I went back to the gym and did my core routine (I try and do this at least twice a week, in addition to my running.  But of course, this has fallen by the wayside too.)  I was determined to re-dedicate myself to my long run on Sunday.  I signed up for this race, dammit, and I have to follow through.  And if I don't get in the miles I am going to be in a world of hurt come October 19.

So today I set out to run 14 miles.  It had been two weeks since I got in a quality long distance run so I knew it was going to be difficult.  And, "Ohhh boy" (to quote my grandpa), was it ever.  I ran out to Red Hook, couldn't find the track, then ran back to Park Slope and Prospect Park.  I did some figure 8's around the park, looping down one path and back around the other.  By the end of the run (nearly two and a half hours) I had two enormous, matching blisters on both my insteps.

And so it goes.  Yet despite the blood, sweat, and blisters--training for a marathon has nothing on the grieving process.

Until next time...

Total distance covered: 120 miles
Days until race: 49

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know in time the pain from losing Nany will subside. Always remember the good times you have shared with her and that should help in the process to continue on.
You and your cousin's have been blessed with the length of time you have been given to share with your Grandparents, alot of people have told me that they never had the oportunity to meet theirs. Keep up the good work and be careful, you know i am rooting for you. Love Dad