Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fuel in the Tank

I am happy to report that my computer is back! Hooray!

Sunday was a ten-miler, which went really well. It must have been all that carbo-loading (read: beer drinking) I did the night before. I was happy about the run, and a little bit relieved. All of my runs up until that point had been a struggle in one way or another. I wore my utility belt with the water grenades again. I think people stare at me sometimes, but I’m definitely not the only person in Prospect Park that has one.

Tuesday night was six miles. I was going to run to Red Hook (Brooklyn neighborhood) because there’s a track there, and I felt I needed a change of scenery. But I got a later start than I wanted, and it was starting to get dusky out as I ran down 9th Street. As I got farther and farther from my neighborhood, the landscape became more industrial, and there were fewer people on the streets. Perhaps being overly cautious, I turned around, and finished my miles in the (familiar) Park instead. I’ll make it out to Red Hook another day, when I have more time.

Time is an issue when it comes to training for a race. You have to carve out a big chunk of your day when you’re running 8, 10, or 15 miles. It’s not just the time it takes to run (And it takes me a long time—I’m slow), you also have to factor in a stretch, a shower, etc. You pretty much have to plan your days around it.

Take Sunday for example. The actual run took me at least an hour and forty-five minutes—or approximately the length of
Blades of Glory, plus outtakes. Then I had to shower and stretch. We were meeting Neal’s cousin for drinks and I ended up making us over an hour late. (Luckily, he was a good sport about it!) By the time we got there, I was feeling a bit woozy. I needed some carbs and protein, immediately. The carbs came in the form of Hefe weizen (again), and eventually I got a cheeseburger and fries (protein and more carbs). One of the other great things about running is not feeling guilt over eating that way sometimes; after all, I had just burned 885 calories that afternoon. No low-carb/no-carb crap for this gal; I need those calories! As a runner, food=fuel and I am always more than happy to fill up the tank.

Total distance covered: 65.5 miles
Days until race: 74


Anonymous said...

Who knew drinking beer and eating alot of carbs makes for an excellent runner!!! Sounds like fun. maybe I should start, then I could eat what I want. Keep up the good work I am looking forward to the next installment. Love Dad

proud dad 1 said...

Ok now i am an official Google blogger....I guess. See Ya