Monday, September 8, 2008


So, 15 miles yesterday.  It was really, really tough.  It was pretty hot out, so maybe I can partially blame the heat.  I shudder to think of adding another 11.2 miles...and am starting to doubt I can really do this!

So, I'm limping home from the park, and I touch my arm and it feels kind of--gritty.  I think, well, maybe it was dusty on the trail.  Then I reach up and touch my cheek--and it's unmistakable--I am covered in salt.  I had sweat so much my whole body was literally crusted with salt.  

I know, gross.

I remembered reading somewhere that certain people are "salty sweaters," so I started doing some research on the internet.  I learned a lot about knowing your sweat rate, and how to measure how much you sweat, so you know how much fluid to take in when you run.  (They recommend weighing yourself before and after your runs to calculate this.)  Then, I came across a definition of hyponatremia.  According to the Mayo Clinic: 

Hyponatremia occurs when the sodium in your blood is diluted by excess water.  Hyponatremia may result from medical conditions that impair excretion of water from your body, or by a significant increase in water consumption, such as by athletes competing in marathons and other high-endurance events.

If untreated, hyponatremia can result in coma, and even death.  The symptoms--such as dizziness, diarrhea, and vomiting--are very similar to symptoms of dehydration, or not taking in enough fluids.

I went on to read that "salty sweaters" need to take precautions, as do women, and "back of the pack" (aka slower) runners since they are on the course longer, and as a consequence may take in too much fluid.  Salty, female, and slow: three strikes against me.

My mom and dad are probably freaking out as they read this, but it's good that I learned about this now.  Now when I hydrate on long runs--and in the marathon--I'll make sure to take in enough, but not too much water.  Also, I will swap out some of my water for Gatorade instead.  Gatorade has sodium, as well as electrolytes and all that other stuff I never realized I needed.  I always just liked the way that Fierce Melon tasted!

Total distance covered: 142 miles
Days until race: 41
Self diagnoses: 1


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, sorry i'm a little behind, but you are right that is really freaky!!!i am glad though you found out how to remidy the problem. my thoughts and prayers are with you. Love Dad